
ધબકાર પરિવાર – “અભિવ્યકિત”

હાસ્યલેખન પરિવાર

શ્રી સુરેશ જાની

32 Responses

  1. i m very impress for ur web.

  2. Dear Sir,
    u r doing an excellent job. but it will be more convenient if we can download this in any know format just as pdf. this is just a suggestion

  3. This site contains excellent poems and other information related gujarati gazals

    Thanks a lot,
    Bhavesh Patel

  4. I Feel very happy to visit this site.I express my gratitude towards you and your team .
    With warm regards,
    Riyaz Munshi

  5. Dear sir,
    can u send me on my email or pdf format???

  6. Gujarati, the word is know everyone in world. and specially gujarati gazal is favourite in all gujaraties all over the world. This site is really good for those who loves the gazals and poems… so hope this site and its management persons keep continue to serve gujarat’s garima and sanskriti and love to all gujraties.

    Jay Jay Garvi Gujarat.

  7. અવલોકન શતદલનો સમાવેશ કરવા માટે આભાર.
    ‘ અંતરની વાણી’ અને ‘ સ્વૈર વીહાર ‘ પણ ઉમેરશો તો આભારી થઈશ.


  8. mantahnbhai mare pan apna dhbkar group nu sakriy sabhy banvu 6e hu rajkot ma potanu orchestra ane ak music group chlavu 6u

  9. Manthanbhai……….

    Great work !!!!

    Lage raho gujubhai…………..

  10. wonderful. all your pages are gr8. congrats and keep it up.
    i would like your help here. when i typed a gujarati geet for your e magazine, i could not type any signs e.g. cull stop, comma, question mark etc.
    please tell me how this can be done.
    thanks again

  11. respected bhavsar and gadhia,
    very interesting web site. every gujarati must visit this one.
    bahuj sunder banavi chhe. lakh lakh abhinandan.


  12. jay shree krisna, hu aabhar manu chu eva lokono k j gujarati sabdono upyog kari aamara jeva lokona manma rahela vicharo ne raju kare che. gujarati sahityona karta hartaone mara dil thi koti koti pranam….

  13. Gazal Garima – 2010 Mate Tamam Gazalkar Mitro Ne be Navinakkor Gazal Moklva vinanti.

    pankaj shah

  14. just excellent,
    the site which i have always expected for

  15. its just nice lage raho……………………….

  16. Respected Sir,
    i am Uren Thummar.
    student of Electrical Engineer.
    i need help in finding this Gazal…
    i have only this keywords
    please help in this as soon as possible.

    “Pahela j varsade EMNI Kalpna thai gai,
    Jane EMNE prem karvani Zankhna thai gai..
    Baki to amasti j pakdi hati Kalam me,
    Ne EMNI yaad ma GAZAL ni Rachna thai gai.”

  17. i am so happy that i got a pot of “gujarati gazal ” and much more over here…….i now regularly visit this site…….nice work keep it up….



  19. Very good… good collection…all the best…

  20. goodjob…………..manthanbhai………..

  21. gujarati gaazal ne ek navi jindagi madi 6e apana taki
    thank youso muchhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

  22. Dear Manthanbhai and others, really very intresting web. for like me. very good collection of GUJRATI GEET, POEMS, AND GAZALS . i request Kindly add our gujrati folk songs……. NICE WORK KEEP UP……


  23. Ave chhe divas raat mane yaad khudani …please share

  24. heartly thank full ….aatli sari gazalo ak sathe vanchva mali….navu sarnanu gajal ne malvanu ..

  25. Khoob sunder rachnao no anand lidho — anubhavi……………

  26. excellent this is a great websight , I am very happy to see it today good luck to you all.

  27. આપે ખૂબજ સુંદર અભિગમ શરૂ કર્યો છે. આભાર ભાઈ

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